Manufacturer of metal products

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 Head Office

„PRO-FUND” Sp. z o.o. Sp. Kom.

COP-u 8 Street,
39 – 460 Nowa Dęba

OFFICE +48 15 848 11 80
fax: +48 15 848 11 71
e-mail: kontakt(at)


CEO Chief Executive Officer
Jarosław Samulak


Plant Manager
Piotr Rachwał

Director of Trade and Logistics
Robert Bichajło

Technological Department
Konrad Janowski

Rzeszow Branch
ul. Hoffmanowej 19, 39-016 Rzeszów, fax +48 17 873 17 10

Trade Specialist
Edyta Samulak
e-mail: e.samulak(at)
tel. +48 17 8731704


Trade Specialist
Małgorzata Zarzyczny
e-mail: m.zarzyczny(at)
tel. +48 17 8731705

GPS data:
N: 50° 24′ 44″ E: 21° 43′ 46″

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